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Nothing is Something

Nothing is Something

In my walk with the Lord, I have often questioned if the thing that came to mind is of me or from God. I loathe that question because it can have a paralyzing effect. And in that analysis paralysis, it can insidiously undermine my relationship with God. We are called...
Check Up

Check Up

Our poor Isabel got a little woozy as the phlebotomist had to stick her twice to get the blood she needed for the labs ordered. She tried to bargain for Chik-fil-a since she had to be stuck by three different needles. I had forgotten both her and her brother got their...
Blanket Project

Blanket Project

There is something incredibly satisfying about completing a project. And the longer it takes to complete….well the more satisfaction I get. I started making this crocheted blanket YEARS ago (2018) but could not get it done by the time Spring rolled around. It was big...

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