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New Year’s often elicits reflections of the past year and thoughts of how to improve for the new year. I actually divide a page into four quadrants and title each square with 1) Mountaintop/Wins 2)Valleys/ Struggles 3) Lessons learned 4) Opportunities for growth/Changes to make. I went through my journal entries from 2019 to refresh my memory of wins, struggles, books read, and everything in between. This year I am doing something different with the cover design of my discbound notebook with the theme/phrase for the year. In years past it has been done with ink- this year it will be in watercolors and what came through prayer on the theme for 2020 was “the impossible.” The pillars that guide everything I do has shifted as well. New pillars are: 1)God and family first 2)Be the change I want to see in the world 3)Create. When God is central in every thought, every word spoken, every action done, things have a way of falling into place, and many times in the most unexpected ways. But that’s the beauty of yielding to a will greater than our own…..we bear fruit and for that we give thanks and all the glory to Him.


#Christian #Prayer #Faith #God #Godcentered #hope #love #bible #Pray #Truth #inspiration #Christianity #thankful #blessed #disciple #discipleship #blessings #Jesus #JesusChrist #BingeJesus  #Spiritual #Spirituality #Godisgood #2020

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