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In my walk with the Lord, I have often questioned if the thing that came to mind is of me or from God. I loathe that question because it can have a paralyzing effect. And in that analysis paralysis, it can insidiously undermine my relationship with God. We are called to obey. But if we constantly wrestle with whether or not the “voice” heard was of God, then likely the opportunity to obey that should have been seized has long passed. How fortunate we are to have a merciful, patient, and loving Heavenly Father who affords us more opportunities to obey even in the wake of botching so many. There are instances that warrant more prayer and confirmation before we obey and proceed, but I am referring to instances that don’t require more consideration.

The epiphany I had was about some of the moments when I do obey. Sometimes these moments are gems because God’s hand in our lives is clear. But there are times when we obey and the result is seeming “nothing.” And because the result was nothing that I expected, I have been quick to presume that the nudge I got was not from God. There are two things I realized: 1)What I call nothing may still be something because my reasoning and knowledge are finite. Furthermore, obeying may have been the point. Obeying in it of itself is still something as it is one way we demonstrate our love to God. 2) The outcome of our obeying does not determine the source. God could ask us to do things that make absolutely no sense to us at all. The outcome doesn’t diminish who He is. However, our obedience to the next call is a testament to our faith and trust in who is calling us, despite any “nothingness” we may get.

A little heady for Friday musings but that’s the thing about obedience, it’s not about us….it is all about Him.





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