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Each of us has been hurt or disappointed by someone. Sometimes, those hurts or disappointments aren’t easy to forgive. But what is forgiveness anyway? Forgiveness is often a word that describes a pardon for an offense or cancelation of a debt to you. But talking about...
Nourished by Bread

Nourished by Bread

I love my small groups 🙂 Do you have a small group? Small groups help keep me grounded in the Word while enjoying community with others who are trying to live a life with God in the center. Our couples group met last night to discuss session 2 of “Making Your...
Pure Heart

Pure Heart

 Our heart constantly pumps lifegiving oxygenated blood to our entire bodies, playing a critical role in our physical health. We cannot live without a heart. But if all we ever see is the physical condition of our heart, we miss the spiritual side of the heart....


There are times I am reminded of why God created us to be social creatures, to be with others and not by ourselves. We are reminded that together we are better because there is not one of us that is gifted in all areas. We complement each other in practical yet...
I fall….I rise

I fall….I rise

I remember my papi taking me on a car ride when I was about 15 years old. He talked to me about suicide and how it was never the answer. He said, “It may storm and rain for what seems like forever, but always remember that the sun has to come out. The storm...

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