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Enjoying our small group study of “Experiencing God at Home” by Tom & Richard Blackaby.

There are many ways God speaks to us. One mentioned is that God speaks through our circumstances of life. This is important because sometimes we don’t read the bible, we don’t pray, because we are busy and get swept up with the kids, work, household needs, projects, etc. But then a circumstance comes up. We cannot ignore it. It’s unexpected. We aren’t sure what to do. Then we look up and ask for help 🙂

Circumstances get our attention and can recalibrate our focus to what’s important.

#Christian #Christcentered #Christianity #Prayer #Faith #God #Godcentered #Christianblogger #ChristianInspiration #Christianblog #love #bible #Pray #Truth #inspiration #blessed #thankful #love #JesusChrist #experiencinggod

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