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Relationship With God

Relationship With God

My day usually starts with prayer, a study, a devotion or some combination of these things. During the week I go to my office a little early so that this time is uninterrupted. I use the top of a short bookcase to hold my office bible. My women’s group is doing...
Christian Example

Christian Example

Last week was amazing because of how spiritually nourishing it was to attend Andy Stanley’s event in Lenexa, Kansas (BIG Thank you to NewSpring Church for making that possible). Jason started listening to Ravi Zacharias and shared several videos, including one...
Starting Point

Starting Point

In early 2017, Jason and I starting attending NewSpring Church and soon after went through Starting Point, an 8-week course. Starting Point provided me a safe space to explore my faith journey and ask questions about Christianity. During those 8 weeks, I learned about...
Margins Are Enough

Margins Are Enough

Just before school started back up again, I visited my parents and sister in South Florida. It was the very end of  Andito and Isabel’s summer visit with their abuelos and titi. While I was there I got see and hold my great grandmother’s bible. I have...
Thoughts & Control

Thoughts & Control

Today’s Coffee with God led me to an Oswald Chamber’s devotion. It spoke of the concept of divine control. I have so often struggled with control in my life. I have learned to be more accountable to the things that I do have control over and to trust God...
What is Faith?

What is Faith?

Today’s coffee with God was about having faith in God and what that really means. What does it mean to have faith in God?  What does having faith in anything mean? Faith can mean having confidence or trust in a person or thing. We make decisions regularly based...

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