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This time of year I can wear a hideous sweater and jingling antlers and no one thinks twice about it (which is awesome for me as I indulge my inner child).
These pictures are from last year. Do you see the one with me bent over with my face caught writhing? Yeah…..I set the timer for the camera on the tripod and tried to quickly jump in the picture. What the picture does not capture is the very audible and loud pop from my right hip which instantly burned white-hot. Most of the ladies thought I was goofing around as noted by their faces. Except Amy’s (only one with glasses). Her face is the only one that captures the horror of that sound a hip should never make.

A lot has transpired since that picture was taken. Babies and career changes marked 2021 for many in this picture. These ladies are special to me and pretty awesome.
Hope you are surrounding yourselves with loved ones and taking a moment to soak it all in this Christmas season.
#bloopers #Christmas #picture #friends #uglysweater #anters #memories

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