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Last year, I felt a nudge to write a guide for new believers well before the shutdowns hit across the nation. What was first imagined as a two to five page document became just over 20. Writing this was a journey. I kicked out the first draft in July and got good feedback with my hand drawings (use of the word “drawing” is generous). Went back at it throughout the fall and finally completed it.

On the very last day of 2020, I posted it to my website. It was a proud moment as I kept my word to the Lord in completing it before the year was over.

Start Your Walk In Faith is written for the new believer who did not grow up going to church or in a household that was God centered. It provides next steps that are crucial to getting well rooted in your faith.

Start Your Walk In Faith can be viewed and downloaded using the link in my bio or going to

“And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.”      Colossians 3:17(NLT)







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