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There is an ad for The Chosen, that read something like “don’t binge on Netflix, binge on Jesus.” The Chosen is a series depicting the life of Jesus and his disciples as they traveled. Season 1 has 8 episodes which Jason and I finished last night and it was amazing!! This production was created by Dallas Jenkins. The name Jenkins may ring a bell for those who have read popular books written by Jerry Jenkins, such as the Left Behind series. The art of storytelling continues through Jerry to his son Dallas, except through film instead of books. And what a masterpiece!

Dallas took this creation one step further by crowdfunding it and making The Chosen available to anyone who wants to see it for free. The Chosen is available on just about any platform. You can download The chosen app no matter what type of phone you have, watch it on Pureflix, or go to their website

There is also the opportunity to contribute to the production and ability for others to watch and pay it forward. The coolest part of this is that you can see exactly how many people your funding has contributed to, what country they are from (the country’s flag), what time the show was watched and what episode was watched. China’s flag popped up and I immediately felt compelled to pray…pray for the seed of the gospel to land in fertile soil, no matter where on earth the soil resides. I think of the power of film and how it can transcend literacy levels. The Bible is not readily available in all corners of the earth and sometimes if it is, it does not serve those who can’t read.

The ending of the first episode alone brought tears to my eyes….I had no notion of how a particular interaction happened, but what a powerful and brilliantly executed depiction. I have re-watched it several times since.

Thank you to all who have brought The Chosen to us and may we enjoy many more seasons to complete the story worth telling and sharing over and over again, the story of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19


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