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There are many reasons to say Thank You on Veteran’s Day. 

I say thank you to those who gave their lives in service to their country. 

I say thank you because I live in that country. 

I say thank you to not forget ….the freedom I have today

…..the freedom to speak

…..the freedom to bear arms

…..the freedom to own a Bible

…..the freedom to gather in worship of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit

Not everyone has these freedoms. 

Some countries would put me in jail or kill me for any of the above listed things. 

I take none of them for granted, for they can be taken at any time.

I give thanks to God every day. 

Today I give thanks to Veterans as well. 




#VeteransDay #Veterans #Armyveteran #Army #soldier #Freedom #USFlag #Faith #Jesus #God #Pray #Prayer #Gratitude #Thankyou #Thankyouveterans 

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