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Another in the fire

Another in the fire

 For the past several years I began the practice of reviewing the year just finished and thinking about areas of focus for the future. I would also come up with a theme for the year and a cover image for my disc-bound planner. The image for 2020 was five loaves and...
fruit of my lips

fruit of my lips

Why are difficult conversations so difficult? Many reasons come to mind but all have one thing in common: fear of hurting the person or making them feel less. And this is a legitimate fear because even the most well-intentioned discussions can have bad outcomes. I...
New Believer Guide

New Believer Guide

Last year, I felt a nudge to write a guide for new believers well before the shutdowns hit across the nation. What was first imagined as a two to five page document became just over 20. Writing this was a journey. I kicked out the first draft in July and got good...
Happy Birthday Jason!

Happy Birthday Jason!

Jason is 43 today! I love that his birthday punctuates the calendar year that is about to end. While the rest of the world celebrate the debut of a new year, we celebrate Jason 🙂 We give thanks for the blessing he is to our little family, our extended family, and...


Each of us has been hurt or disappointed by someone. Sometimes, those hurts or disappointments aren’t easy to forgive. But what is forgiveness anyway? Forgiveness is often a word that describes a pardon for an offense or cancelation of a debt to you. But talking about...
I am the Light (2/2)

I am the Light (2/2)

Last time we looked at our attraction to the Light that was Jesus. Light reveals all the dark corners of our heart and makes plain what is there….sins can’t hide when Light is shining because the Light reveals truth. But the Light does something else besides...

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