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I am the Light (1/2)

I am the Light (1/2)

“The human eye is drawn to light. We can’t help it, it just happens.”  (Jesus talking to Nicodemus in The Chosen) I would say there is more that is attracted to the light than just the eye. Our planet revolves around a big ball of light that...
Pure Heart

Pure Heart

 Our heart constantly pumps lifegiving oxygenated blood to our entire bodies, playing a critical role in our physical health. We cannot live without a heart. But if all we ever see is the physical condition of our heart, we miss the spiritual side of the heart....


Not sure if Tozer really said this, since I can’t find the source of this quote. What is more fascinating to me is what could have been occurring at that particular time that would qualify it as “critical, dangerous, and tragic.” I wonder what Tozer...
18 Years

18 Years

May 24, 2002 became our anniversary, not because of careful planning for months, but because it was a day Army gave us off for memorial weekend and we, still in AIT at the time, could get off Fort Sam Houston post. Our courtship was short. We knew of each other 3.5...
Psalm 16:8

Psalm 16:8

Opened my Bible to Psalm 16:8 today 🙂 Beautiful reminder that no matter what the mood is, God doesn’t change. He is there to help keep us on his chosen path. I am so grateful for this. . . . #Christian #Prayer #Faith #God  #hope #love #Pray #Truth...
God Answers

God Answers

Today I woke up and knew I needed to carry my family this week and that I could not do it alone…I don’t have the strength to do it. Last night was hard for our family. Our teens struggle with the isolation, as most have, not being able to go to school and see...

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